Make-up and Live! (Published 1938)

Make-up and Live! (Published 1938)


Make-up and Live!, originally published in 1938, offers a wealth of advice on makeup application, hygiene, hair care, and tips on achieving beauty according to the standards of that era. Read more details below.

SKU: 9780981663968

Make-up and Live! is a paperback copy of a lovely beauty guide with instructions on cosmetics for the 1930s and 1940s. Originally published in 1938, the book is a treasure trove of advice on makeup application, hygiene, hair care, and how to be beautiful according to the standards of that period.

Besides the original book content, you will find advertisements for 1938 beauty products sprinkled throughout as well.

To see some of the many styling options for this vintage haircut, visit the blog post titled “Makeup and Beauty Lessons of the 1930s and 1940s”

This is an abridged republication of the original book. A download version of this book is available here.

Size – 8.5 in. x 11 in. – 36 pages

Weight 0.29 lbs


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