I went with Hitchcock’s Psycho for my Halloween Costume this year.
The costume is going to be great. I am having a party at my house Saturday night and for the party, my beau and I are going to do Psycho. And the whole house is in on the costume.
I will be Janet Leigh, which makes me wish I still had my blonde hair, but oh well. A blonde wig will have to do. I picked up one of these short marilyn wigs and will get the hair wet and gel so it looks wet all night.
I ordered a unitard in nude and will put slash marks on it. And am adding a white towel for modesty with BM embroidered on it for Bates Motel. And then beau will be wearing a granny wig and dress and carry a plastic knife. I haven’t actually talked to him about that yet. It better be plastic. There will be kids at this party.
Now for the props! The bathroom that everyone uses will have this shower curtain in the tub, probably only half hanging, since Janet Leigh pulls it off the rod as she dies her untimely death. And beau, who has mad technical skills, is going to create a sound machine that makes the screeching murder scene noise every time someone passes through the bathroom door.

And to top it off, Baby, my ’56 Buick Special, gets to get in on the action. She is a very similar body style to the Ford Janet Leigh drives in the movie, so we are going to park her out front with the trunk popped. In the trunk I am going to put my vintage suitcase and a rolled up newspaper hanging out a little. Maybe I will even try to get some fake money to have laying out like the money she stole and hid in the newspaper.

I always like to know what interesting ideas people get for Halloween costumes. Leave me a post with your costume ideas!
miss vintage love
Wow, what a a great Halloween costume! Such an original idea! Your Halloween party sounds like it will be a smash!
Didn’t you have a costume post last year for the movie The Birds, as I recall that was a great idea, this one is too, the car and newspaper is a nice touch!
My husband and I are going to be Mary Poppins and Bert!
Wow, that’s so creative! I have a white and navy striped dress from the 60s that I’m going to wear – add a paper hat and red heels and I’m a nurse! Hopefully I can find a blue cape to match.
I am not really sure about Halloween yet, I havent really been into it in the past, so I waited to long befoer I started thinking of it this year. We are considering doing the whole family as the mystery gang (i had a hard time coming up with a good theme for all 5 of us). I like the retro feel of them, even if it isn’t the normal era I like.
I really like your idea and wish that I was that creative
Kati M
I’m doing something a little obvious for me and being Joan from Mad Men. I’ll be doing a slightly modified version of your receptionist updo for it.
Betty2Tone (Laura)
I think I’ll either be Lucille Ball or Wednesday from the Addams family
I am making a 1950’s styled sailor girl outfit. I was actually going through your blog to look for hair style and make up ideas. 🙂 I think your Halloween idea is awesome!
I’m going as a film noir femme fatale, with an odd twist. I’ll have the typical hair, clothes, shoes, etc. I’ll also be painting my skin white, doing my make-up in shades of grey, and wearing nothing but black, white, and grey clothes. Black and white movie!
So far I have a gorgeous black wiggle dress, peep-toe kitten heels, white gloves, a black and white silk scarf, clustered “diamond” earrings, and a grey coat trimmed in black fur. I even painted a cigarette so the filter’s grey.
I’m blonde so I’m going to have to spray my hair black, which means I have to set it two (or three) nights running. Oof.
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You are so creative! Your idea makes me want to throw a Halloween party and get down to the details like that :]
My boyfriend and I are going as preppy 1950s zombies. I’m using liquid latex to make blister-like rotting flesh texture on my face and covering my skin with Ben Nye’s Frankenstein makeup, its like a light blue-ish gray color. I’m going to fill in the blisters with darker colors to make them look deeper and more sickly:P I also have my old saddle shoes and made myself a poodle skirt but instead of having a poodle applique I put pink leopard print bats 😛 My boyfriend is wearing slacks, a button up plaid shirt, a bow tie I made, a cardigan (I’m going to embroider his initials onto it), as well as the zombie makeup. We even got white opaque contacts to add to the dead look, i’m excited!
This sounds fantastic! I want to do a Birds-inspired costume: green suit, blonde wig very messed up with a fake crow stuck in it! Definitely needs some fake claw marks as well.
We don’t really celebrate Halloween here so no costumes for me. I love your idea of getting the whole house to be a part of the party including the car – fabulous. I’m sure the party will be a scream! (hehehe!)
I love the bathroom sound effect idea! Fantastic! it would be so funny 😀
We’re going to a burlesque party on Halloween and I’m going as Vampira. Still trying to figure how to get those super high arched eye brows without shaving my own.
Glamour Daze
great idea. I wonder will someone come as the spooky cop with the dark shades !
Lady Rebecca
I love that shower curtain. Creepy!
I’m going as Jane from Disney’s Tarzan. I’m just about done – you can check out my process at my lj: http://theladyrebecca.livejournal.com
Great idea! I won’t be costuming for Halloween this year as I’m performing that night.
The last time I dressed up I went out with 2 friends. I wore a green silk dress and wings, he was dressed like a pirate and she was a dirndl-clad fraulein. We were La Fee Verte, Captain Morgan, and the St. Pauli Girl.
This is awesome! I really wanted to do this as a costume a few years ago when my hair was super short but I couldn’t figure out a good way to pull it off. LOVING your idea of the body suit with the slash marks and the ‘BM’ towel. Genius! I have a literary themed bday/Halloween party to go to next week and I am still wavering between a lady Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew, or a few other options! Should probably narrow that down and get to it…
Rockabetty Vintage
I’m thinking about rewearing my Carmen Miranda costume from last year but am looking for a more authentic 1950’s bullet top to wear with it. Love your car, by the way! Yowza!
Great Halloween costume! The boy and I are also doing a couple theme, and also pulling from classic TV: Frankenstein & Bride of Frankenstein! I’ve got some gross, mossy green face paint for him, have made some paper mache neck bolts. I also used a pair of scissors to shred the bottom of a pair of brown corduroys. For myself, I’m taking the wig I used last year (I was Medusa), removing the snakes and teasing the living hell out of it. I’ll use spray paint to paint Bride’s signature white streak. I’ve got white make-up and black eyelinter for myself. For the dress, I sewed two old white sheets together, artfully shredded and added a black cord belt for shaping around the middle.
Your party sounds like it will be so much fun! I’m not sure I’m dressing up this year but have a Merry (Wo)men costume from 2 years ago (as in Robin Hood and the…). Not quite as creative as yours.
I have thought about buying that shower curtain for every day use though. 🙂
This year I am going as Rosie the Rivetor. Red bandana and all!
I did my bathroom with a Psycho theme last year when I had a Halloween party. The shower curtains are lots of fun to make with splattered red paint and a smeared red hand-print or two! I also put a nice red dripping hand-print on the mirror and a bloody knife on the counter. This year I am going as the classic Rosie the Riveter, and using the first snood style from your book as inspiration for the hair that isn’t in the bandana.