If you haven’t already signed up to receive the VintageHairstyling.com email newsletter, I am here to entice you with another reason to do so.
I just finished this new tutorial that I have named the Nora after Lauren Bacall’s character in the film noir classic Key Largo. The pdf is loaded up and ready to view, but you can only access the link through the email newsletter.

If you already receive the newsletter, watch for it in your inbox today. If you signed up for the newsletter, but haven’t gotten one from us yet, make sure your spam filter isn’t cleaning it out and that your settings allow emails from info at vintagehairstylingdot com.When you signed up, you were suppose to get a confirmation email verifying that you signed up. If you never got that confirmation email, send an email to me through our online contact form and I will add you manually.
If you aren’t signed up for the newsletter, now is a great time to do it! Not only will you get the link to see the pdf of this tutorial, but you will also get information about a sale I am having right now that only newsletter recipients are being informed of.
And as always, some of the rewards for signing up for our newsletter include:
- Exclusive free tips and tutorials on how to do vintage hair and retro makeup
- Special discounts on tickets to classes
- Special giveaways
…and other things no one else gets access to!