1950s Bangs as Designed by Michel of Helena Rubinstein

The Bang Dilemma

I’ve heard it so many times, so many different ways from women…”I am tired of my bangs.”…”I regret my bangs and I’m thinking of growing them out.”…”I don’t know what to do with my bangs.”

There are a ton of bang style options available to you…especially when you are inspired by vintage hair.

Michel of Helena Rubinstein

Celebrity hairstylist Michel Kazan was famed for the bouffant he originated in 1950 on Jaqueline Kennedy, and coincidentally regretted how popular it got. He was chief hairstylist for Helena Rubinstein until the early 1960s.

In 1957, he contributed these diverse styles for bang for McCall’s Magazine. (See the end of the post for the full pages.) I am looking forward forward to trying all of them.

Little-girl bangs

Anything but immature…

Little-girl bangs, simple but not naive, sweep from a part low on the left side to fan across the brow. Sides and back are waved in a modified pageboy.

One-sided bangs

A curve that starts all the way to the side makes this 1950s hairstyle particularly sculptural.

One-sided bangs, one high, one low, are the end of an arc that sweeps upward from the opposite side, where the hair is gently sculptured.

Deep puffed bang

This bang style is coupled with a French twist…another of Michel Kazan’s signature hairstyles.

Deep puffed bangs almost to brows – fine showcase for lovely eyes. Back is lifted in a semi French twist. Good for all medium-to-long hair.

Open-petal bang

A great look if you are inbetween trim appointments on your bettie page bangs.

Open-petal bangs are light, piquant; the French-twist back swoops up, ends in open curls on top of the head. For a hairdo elegant but young.

Read more details about the early days of makeup in the book, Retro Makeup: Techniques for Applying the Vintage Look.

Parenthesis bangs

The chic vintage 1950s bang style that needs no explanation…

Parenthesis bangs veil a high forehead, flatter the long, slender face…soft waves move forward on the temples in an airy, feminine fluff.

Full article pages (Love the font)

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Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog! I am Lauren Rennells and as a hairstylist, makeup artist, writer, and generally artistic over-achiever, the Bobby Pin Blog is my outlet for thoughts and research about vintage hair and makeup trends and how to recreate them today. Thank you for stopping by!

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