Katy Jurado, born in 1924 in Guadalajara, was a prolific actress. She started her acting career at the age of 16, against her parent’s wishes. her talent made her the first Mexican actress nominated for an Oscar, as Best Supporting Actress for her work in Broken Lance (1954), and was the first to win a Golden Globe Award, for her performance in High Noon (1952).

She said of herself, “I knew that my body was provocative, but also that I was not beautiful, although yes, I admit, my physique was different and very sensual.” I think we can all disagree with her on the “not beautiful” statement. I think she is stunning.
This is a great vintage makeup lesson. Today, women use shading and highlighting techniques to, essentially, give themselves a new face shape. I would love for women to move away from this and be the unique beauties they are. It is simple to use makeup to balance natural features.

Kady Jurado used the simple technique of thick, exaggerated arched brows and full lips to balance her natural features. They were perfect for her oblong face shape. I’ve seen vintage makeup books that advise women against arched brows and a round mouth for an oblong face, but in this case, I disagree. I think she would just look more square.

Read more details about the early days of makeup in the book, Retro Makeup: Techniques for Applying the Vintage Look.
In the image below, her makeup is a little different. You can see that her eyebrows are elongated more, creating a flatter effect. It is soft, but it also makes her eyes look flat and her forehead square. I personally prefer the character that her arched brows portray.

Zooming in, the light hitting her lips shows us where her natural lip line is. In the 1940s, it was very popular to draw the upper lip like this. Many actresses continued this style into the 1950s.

Katy Jurado’s lips are overdrawn subtly. Hint: Use a matte lipstick when you draw out your lips this way. It will look more natural.

Whoa, those are sharp as a razor. I wonder how much work that took everyday!
The whole eyebrow thing is such a mystery to me. I read recently that the fuller brow is better and most of us “overpluck?” Well this glam chick knows what’s up.
I like my brows to be arched, but not quite as severe as this!
Atomic Mama
I spend a lot of time plucking… my Husband is always picking on me about it. haha.
But I like to have In place devilish arches.
I laugh him off and explain that I am the ARCH QUEEN. hah
These eyebrows are nice! and she kept like that all the time, I mean, when she was an old woman her eyebrows were just like this picture.