7 Different Vintage Hairstyles on just 1 Model

Imagine trying 7 different vintage hairstyles on yourself in one sitting just to see which one is most flattering. It sounds daunting doesn’t it? It doesn’t need to be.

There are many beautiful vintage hairstyles all over the internet that will catch your eye and tempt you into trying. But is it right for you? The Instagram model may look great in that hairstyle, but will it suit you?

blonde woman with vintage 1940s hairstyle

Do a dry run vintage hairstyle sitting

A dry run is always my first step before beginning any style. In the 1947 “You Alone” hair article featured in this blog post, their dry run seems a little more intricate, but it is still a test to analyze how this particular model will look with small changes in shape and partings.

When you do your own dry run, part the hair in different ways. Play with the volume at the hairline or at the sides or at the back. Use a few pin curl clips or bobby pins to hold a basic silhouette in place while you look at the hairstyle from all angles.

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Does the silhouette or texture flatter your face or drag it down? Does it accentuate the best parts of your face or draw away from them? This dry run will reveal a ton about where you should begin, so that you reach your end goal of a hairstyle that suits you and you alone, not a Instagram model.

The woman should wear the hairstyle. The hairstyle should not wear the woman.

blonde woman with vintage 1940s hairstyle

How should I part my hair?

Part your hair in several different ways when you are trying your dry run. As you can see in this grid pulled from the magazine article, parting the model’s hair in several different places really changes the look of the hairstyle and her face.

blonde woman with different vintage 1940s hairstyles

Analyze the hair, not your face

We all have insecurities about our faces. This is not the time to pick apart yourself. If you think something is too big or too small or too wide or too narrow, this is the opportunity to balance that feature with the hairstyle.

And ditch your insecurities about your forehead. Yes, if your hair is pulled straight back in a ponytail, your forehead shape is the only thing people will see. But if your hair is styled in a lovely wave and curls haloed around your hairline, no one will be looking at your forehead. They will only be looking at your lovely vintage hairstyle.

Now get started and have fun with it!

Right click the magazine spread to download a high res copy of the full article for yourself.
1940s magazine article about hairstyles

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Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog! I am Lauren Rennells and as a hairstylist, makeup artist, writer, and generally artistic over-achiever, the Bobby Pin Blog is my outlet for thoughts and research about vintage hair and makeup trends and how to recreate them today. Thank you for stopping by!

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