Tacky Cool Gift Inspiration for the Vintage Powder Room

Tacky? Cool? A Gift Guide for the Vintage Girl

I’ve curated some gift ideas for a vintage powder room and these ideas live somewhere between being tacky and being cool.

… depending on who you ask.

But isn’t the colorful vibe of 1950s and 1960s Americana, that borders sometimes on gaudy, part of what we love about vintage?

Group Gifts into a Theme

Picking a theme will keep you focused, so you have a keyword to start your search with. It really helps narrow down your options.

And with a theme, you can combine several small things that altogether feel like a more thoughtful gift. Because it truly is the thought that counts.

Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I may earn a commission.

Flamingo Beauty Kit

I personally love flamingos, but you can use this idea toward lots of other symbols or characters. Animals, zodiac signs, cupcakes, whatever! I found these things that could all go together for a Flamingo themed gift. Yes of course they are beauty products…

I found all of these marked as available for delivery before Christmas:

Gift Idea: Milk Glass to use as Containers on the Vintage Vanity

Leopard Print Beauty Kit

Leopard or panther print has been a fashion statement for hundreds of years. I highly recommend the book Fierce: The History of Leopard Print by famed burlesque dancer Jo Weldon for more about this print in fashion history.

Elvis Powder Room Decor Gift

There was a time when you could find Elvis’s face printed on every home good item you could imagine. The fandom that surrounded him almost defined what 1950s Americana looked like.

Over the years, it has been harder and harder to find Elvis themed beauty and bathroom items. I was hoping with the more recent bio pic coming out, there might be more available this year. But, I think the Elvis fandom is fading, though you can still make a very tacky, cool bathroom theme based around him.

Thankfully, there are some great shops on Etsy that want to keep the Elvis Americana going.

Cherry Blossom Hair Care Gift

The last theme is not tacky. Just a feminine theme that many vintage girls love… Cherry Blossoms. The soft pink flowers are easy to find printed on many products like robes and makeup bags.

Try putting a little hair kit like this one together:

I hope you found this gift guide for the vintage girl helpful. It was fun to put the collections together and I would personally love to have any of these items.

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Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog! I am Lauren Rennells and as a hairstylist, makeup artist, writer, and generally artistic over-achiever, the Bobby Pin Blog is my outlet for thoughts and research about vintage hair and makeup trends and how to recreate them today. Thank you for stopping by!

As an Etsy and Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As an independent blogger, I link these items because of my own opinions and not because of the commission I may receive.

