The Book Retro Makeup is done! If you want it, get it while it’s hot!

My web designer has installed the button and Retro Makeup can now be purchased at I will get the books from my printer by the end of business Friday and I will be shipping books out on Monday. Some of you have already ordered books through other means, but do not fret. I will also be shipping books to all of the vendors who have been offering the book as a pre-order item so they can fill their orders too.Thank you so much for being patient with me through this process and standing by while I have been absent. I have been working to add some exciting changes to the site and grow this resource to a point where I can offer even more information. The website is being updated to include more information, and hopefully, soon a calendar of classes and events I have planned for the future.

And as I mentioned before, My Baby Jo, Boss, and V-Male will have the book in Vegas next weekend!

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Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog! I am Lauren Rennells and as a hairstylist, makeup artist, writer, and generally artistic over-achiever, the Bobby Pin Blog is my outlet for thoughts and research about vintage hair and makeup trends and how to recreate them today. Thank you for stopping by!

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