I worked on another very fun bride this weekend. She wanted a vintage hairstyle, but wasn’t sure what or what time period. She was leaving it up to me. Love that!
She showed me her dress. She bought the dress and then had her friend, the Evil Dressmaker in Scandinavia, do some beautiful bead work and floral accents and then she made an amazing asymmetrical flower for her hair.

Of course, when I saw this dress, it instantly made me think of Atonement and how beautiful Keira Knightley looked in the movie in this emerald green gown. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, add it to your list. I watched it twice in one day, it was so good.

So this is what I did for Emily to emulate the style. Her hair is shoulder length, and I actually pinned it up in the back at the nape of the neck to make it shorter.

This is the elegant fabric flower with beading her friend made to match the beading of the dress. I really like that it irregular. It makes it so much more unique.
These are the hotrollers sizes I used and the setting pattern. These are the smallest rollers in my kit. I wanted to have the freedom to brush with out losing the curl at the ends.

The part is at the outer corner of the eyebrow. And the rollers are not rolled to the crown of the head. To keep the hair from becoming a sixties bouffant you need to keep the hair flat at the crown of the head. This pattern is very similar to the pattern for the faux bob in my book Vintage Hairstyling, just with small hot rollers instead of a medium curling iron.

Her hair looked amazing.
Thank you for the pointers!
Absolutely beautiful! And thanks for the how-to as well. This is one I’d love to try!
Atomic Mama
oh that movie made me cry!
it was so good, but SO sad.
I love the hair you did for the wedding, it looks perfect for that style dress.
its nice to see someone who can do those styles with hot rollers. I rarely see anything good come from hot sets.
you doa fantastic job
Wow, she looked beautiful! I sure wish I had known you when I got married! lol I’ll be sure to check Atonement out!
She looks gorgeous! She must’ve been one very happy bride!
Shrinky Inky
Lauren it’s lovely how her hair turned out and perfect for her gown! well done!
Too Gorgeous
Super Kawaii Mama
Stunning! You really do some amazing work. If only I could find someone with your talent here in Australia to cut my hair..
On another note, I am looking to replace my 1960’s hot rollers (the spikes keep getting caught in my long hair) with a set of these. I was a bit concerned about using these clap style clips that it would make it difficult to set the whole head with the rollers close together, without them crashing into each other. Any advice?
what a beautiful bride and beautiful job you did!
Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden
Gorgeous, the perfect style. Love her gown and hairpeice.
I’ve yet to see that movie but it’s on my list!
I wonder if you can explain to me how did you make her hair look so smooth?I’m starting to learn how to pin curl my hair but in the end (even though I still can’t quite control the direction of the curls, which I know is very important) it has this kind of frizzy look to it, no matter how much cerum, or setting lotion, or hair wax I apply to it.
Can you help me out?!
OMG her hair looks gorgeous!
Barbe Saint John/ Saints and Sinners®
gorgeous! I think alot of us would love the hot curler recommendation. I have a revlon set and the clips that come with it dent my hair, ruining the curl