New Year’s Day Vintage Beauty Survival Kit


New Year’s Day Vintage Beauty Survival Kit

Fast, fabulous beauty even with the biggest champagne hangover…

Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard was my inspiration for this blog post. In the movie she is constantly swaddled in some sort of leopard print. It is either her clothes, draped over the chair she is sitting in, or covering the seats of the car. Oh how lovely a life wrapped in leopard print would be.


Step 1 – Makeup

Hopefully you are having brunch on a patio where you can just wear your sunglasses the whole time, but if not, here are the essentials.

  • Red eye remover for lack of sleep
  • Foundation to cover the sallowness of your skin
  • Bright blush to brighten your pale, bloodless cheeks
  • Eyebrow makeup to lift your brow so people can’t tell how miserable you are
  • Mascara to contrast your eyes and make them look brighter
  • Red lipstick to leave marks on the glass of whatever Hair of the Dog you are drinking.

Step 2 – Sunglasses

I’m a little obsessed right now with the Tom Ford Nikita cat eye glasses, but $300 for a pair of sunglasses? I think not. Here is a link to some wonderful knockoffs on Amazon for less than 10 bucks!

Step 3 – Hair

Why bother? Wrap it in a leopard scarf turban style.

I found this leopard scarf that would be perfect for this look and click here for directions on a turban wrap.

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Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog! I am Lauren Rennells and as a hairstylist, makeup artist, writer, and generally artistic over-achiever, the Bobby Pin Blog is my outlet for thoughts and research about vintage hair and makeup trends and how to recreate them today. Thank you for stopping by!

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