Here are, what I think, some simple hairstyles to try courtesy of the Golden Voice of China Zhou Xuan. A Chinese film movie star and singer, Xuan adopted her stage name at the age of 13 and it means “beautiful jade”. I am still a bit fuzzy on this and perhaps someone can help me out, but it is my understanding that Zhou is the family name and Xuan is actually her distinctive name. In Western culture we would say Xuan Zhou.

Her makeup is just beautiful here. I like the way the artist colorized this magazine cover image that refers to Xuan as a rising star. The victory roll like way her bangs are rolled is fun.

Ms. B
She’s adorable! I’ve never heard of her before!
Love the bangs on that second pic! Very cool, thanks for sharing these. 🙂
Stefanie Valentine
She’s very beautiful, i like the roll in the second photo x
I believe you are right about the Chinese names…something I learned from watching figure skating. 🙂
stunning! I have to try that bang style!
Born too late
Hi Lauren
Just wanted to say hat I have been reading your blog for sometime but never commented. I have both editions of your book and must say they have changed my life! I was barely able to put my hair in a ponytail before so thank you 🙂
Wrecking Belle
I LOVE her hair in that 2nd pic! I’m totally going to have to try that. Thanks for sharing!
Chinese names are familyname personalname -the opposite of a western European. It should be general for more Asiatic countries, which I do not know, but Japan surely.
The Chinese names, that to us is just a random mix of syllabels, have meanings as “beautiful flower” or “precious jade” or like it. Just as the name Christian means “christen person” and “Theodora” means gift og God(greek).
I bet you would enjoy the chinese movie “In the mood for love”. Beautiful 60s Hong Kong hair & clothes!
I totally have that second image as a poster!!!! I found it in Chinatown for 2 bucks…love it!
Love this 🙂 Mon Mode Blog
This is such an amazing find. I can never usually find chinese singers/artists past from before the 50s! i love it. i might try this hairstyle!