Oodles of April Vintage Beauty Articles

I have a lot of vintage beauty and women’s magazines. It is a bit of an obsession of mine. The photographs are lovely and they are full of inspiration.

April brought my home town some snow showers… and I am hoping the snow did not hurt some of the May flowers I so look forward to. But, today, since it is April, I thought it would be fun to share a grouping of beauty articles all from a collection of my April magazines.

Modern Beauty Shop Magazine April 1940

Cowlicks are annoying to deal with to say the least. This article from 1940 offers great advice on incorporating cowlicks into your hairstyle. Whether it is at your hairline or the crown of your head or the nape of the neck, use this advice to plan your vintage hairstyle.

McCall’s Magazine April 1940

1940s skincare advice if you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s… with just a hint of condescension.

Modern Beauty Shop Magazine April 1953

These beautiful drawings of fringe styles will hopefully give you some inspiration for your own vintage hair look.

Seventeen Magazine April 1961

1961 was a good year. The hairstyles of the early and mid 1960s ushered in a new level of cool. My own haircut, the International Convertible Cut came from 1961 as well. So I had to include this article from April 1961 Seventeen magazine that features another popular style of 1961, the Baby Vamp.

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1 Comment

  1. What a “You-Hoooo” moment when I came across this when I was doing a search for vintage hankerchiefs. Oh my, what a treat. I have taken a few minutes to go through a few of the different areas and have found this is going to be a site I cannot just check on. In many ways it is a peak into the era when my momma going from tomgirl – farm hand to beautiful young lady. Every picture of her from 18 on is stunning. She used bobbie pins to pin curl her hair until 6 weeks before she died at the age of 73. Thank you for all this work, all this amazing information. I am not much of a computer whiz but what a find!

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